Stylo Starr
Featured Artist, Fall 2018
Stylo Starr is a ‘visual alchemist,’ known primarily for her multi-layered collage work, which has been featured on large public installations, international publications and apparel. Starr’s visual investigations surround predominantly Bodies of Colour and their relationship to the basic principles and elements of design, while reaffirming their agency as revered subjects of art history.
Evelyn Myrie writes: “For Starr, her work is a ‘practice in revolutionary love’, rejecting the lingering effects of white supremacist ideology.”
Stylo has been featured at the Art Gallery of Hamilton alongside the works of Andy Warhol in 2017, and recently completed a residency with the Cotton Factory continuing her explorations in collage and multimedia arts.
For more information about Starr and her work, visit and
There is Medicine in Your City; There is Magic in You