
Adam Matak

Featured Artist, Spring 2018

Adam Matak’s work has been exhibited widely and is held in private collections in Canada and the US. His work has been featured in the Canadian art history textbook Art Works as well as in The Globe and Mail, National Post, and The Boston Globe. In 2015, Matak received his MFA from Tufts University in conjunction with the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.

Artist's Statement

Adam Matak makes objects that complicate notions of value and the function of cultural objects.

His drawing series, Arrangements, Matak merges his compulsion towards collecting and accumulating cultural iconography with his keen eye for interconnectivity.   Employing mundane materials like ballpoint pens, graffiti markers and spray paint, Matak assembles floral motifs from luxury brands, pop culture, art history and local gardens into impossible arrangements. These varied source materials act as visual hyperlinks, making for a multifaceted viewing experience.

For more information about Matak and his work, visit

Arrangement (Trim)

Arrangement (Captain)

Arrangement (Ding)

Arrangement (Goldfinch)

Arrangement (Changes)