Hamilton Review of Books Podcast – Season 4, Episode 1 "Wither Giller"
After last year's protest at the Giller Prize ceremony helped expose Scotiabank and its investment holdings for having ties with the Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, writers have been pressuring the Prize to drop its primary sponsor. We talk with three writers involved in the campaign:
Michael DeForge is a cartoonist in Toronto. His books include Birds of Maine, Familiar Face and Heaven No Hell.
Avik Jain Chatlani is the author of This Country is No Longer Yours. A historian by training, he has taught in schools and prisons in Latin America, Canada, and the United States.
Jacob Wren makes literature, collaborative performances and exhibitions. His books include Polyamorous Love Song, Rich and Poor, and Dry Your Tears to Perfect Your Aim.
Mentioned in Episode
CanLit Responds (https://www.canlitresponds.ca/)
No Arms in the Arts (https://www.noarmsinthearts.com/)
“How the Giller Prize Became Associated with Genocide” in The Walrus, https://thewalrus.ca/giller-prize-genocide/